Sunday, September 13, 2015

Loss of a Companion - A Bunny With Depression

If you have ever experienced a loss of a family member, friend, or animal then you know how painfully heartbreaking it can be. When it comes to a rabbit who loses it's companion, it's no different. It can be so painful for them it might result into depression.

Rabbits can get depression. And mourning in this way can look really different rabbit to rabbit. However, here is what you should look for:

1. Lethargic 

If your bunny is not moving and seems uninterested in whats going on this very well could be the sign of depression

2. Aggression 

A lot of people report change in behavior. A bunny that has never been aggressive seems agitated with it's human now and might do a lot of chewing, digging, lunging, and biting. The behavior change will probably not last and will go away as soon as the bun bun finishes mourning. However, I do know someone who has reported their rabbit going on two months of mourning aggression. 

3. Loss of Appetite 

Many bunnies will not eat and seem uninterested in food. Although this may be the case it is very important for the bun bun to eat.. so make sure to monitor the eating habits and offer different snacks to encourage eating. 

4. Excessive Water Drinking

I''m not sure what causes this one, but a sign of depression in rabbits can be excessive drinking of water. Some people report this as the only sign of the rabbits grief, but it is considered grief nonetheless. So don't be surprised if your mourning Bun starts slurping down tons of water. 

5. Hiding 

It is also very common for a bunny who is mourning to hide and run away from human interaction. If the bunny shows this behavior, just give the bunny it's space and make sure that it's eating and drinking properly.

The best thing for you to do in order to help your sad bunny is to be patient and loving. It may take time for your furry buddy to finish mourning. Obviously! Losing your best friend is devastating! If the bunny doesn't hide or run away then give it lots of pets and love. Bunnies also respond very well if you talk to them while you groom and pet them. New, fun treats can help brighten the bunny's day! So think about going and getting a yummy fruit or herb as a treat. 

Depending on the rabbit you may want to invest in a new companion ASAP. Especially if the bunny has been bonded to another for their entire life. Just be aware that some rabbits do need time to mourn before they can bond to another bunny and some can bond RIGHT away. You'll have to make this call based on your knowledge of the bun bun's behavior. It should also be said that different bunnies will mourn differently. Your bunny may only show one of these signs or show four of them. If your bunnies depression persists or is interfering too much with it's eating please contact a rabbit savvy vet asap! 

If you are reading this because you recently lost a fur baby I also want to say I am so sorry. I know it can be as painful for you too. Whats beautiful is that you have your other bunny to mourn with. How lucky you both were to have so much bunny love in your life.  

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @Onceupona_Whisker !!


  1. I'm so glad you got another rabbit (aka Bear!!)

    PS: This is Bear's previous owner.

  2. Me too! He is settling in so great!
