Friday, December 18, 2015

How to Love a Bunny

Hi guys! It's Becky again! It's been a while since I've blogged on here and I apologize! It's been pretty crazy with school and my new waitressing job and I didn't find the time or make the time to blog. But today is my first day on winter break and I wanted to talk about something that's very important: How to LOVE a bunny.

If you have ever owned a bunny, you know they are very special creatures. Some of us are more knowledgeable in our rabbit's needs and behaviors and others are brand new bunny mamas and papas! However, the most common conversation I have with bunny mama's and papa's across the board is this: HOW do we create a unique relationship with a bunny.

The answer is quite simple because all you have to do is love your rabbit.  What isn't simple to many is what actually loving your rabbit looks like.

Loving a rabbit means respecting the rabbit's space. I know it's tempting to follow your bun bun around. They are so stinking cute that our instinct is to usually try and touch our bunny all the time with pets and to pick them up for some cute cuddles. It's important to keep in mind however, that rabbits are very independent creatures. They like doing their own thing. That doesn't mean that their activities won't involve you, but I think it's best when the owner is passive for most interactions.

I absolutely adore my two rabbits and their fluffiness makes me want to dieeeeeeee. But I make sure when I let them out for play time that I am sitting and observing for most of it or just doing my own thing. My bunnies come to me when they want pets and attention. They will hop up on my bed when they want to say hello. I don't try and force the kind of relationship with my bunnies and in the end it's a great feeling when they come to me because it's their CHOICE.

Now, if you are a new bunny mama or papa you are probably bunny doesn't interact with me even when I give my bunny freedom. Well, first you need to bond with your rabbit. If your rabbit isn't bonded to you, then your rabbits definitely not going to come say hi, come for head rubs, etc. I'll be posting a separate blog piece on how to bond with your bun bun! If you are interested, definitely go and look for it :)

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @Onceupona_Whisker !!

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