Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bunny Misconceptions

This was recently a topic requested by one of my followers and I feel it is a VERY important topic to discuss. What are the misconceptions of bunnies?.....

1. Bunnies are Cuddly

Well....they CAN be. It depends on the bun bun. Just like people's personalities can vary, so can bunnies. If you come in contact with a bunny be thoughtful and considerate of the individual creature. Really try to read their body language and understand what they are all about. If it doesn't seem like the bunny is enjoying your pets, then there is a 99% chance that you read it correctly and shouldn't force the petting onto them. Each bunny will love and respect you more if you give them the same dignity, love, and respect that you'd give anyone you meet.

2. Bunnies like to be held

NOPE. So once in a blue moon you'll meet a bunny who "likes to be held" and to be honest I don't even believe they really like it; they just tolerate it. I know...I probably just crushed your heart and hopes because you just want to hold and snuggle the little bun bun. However, holding a bunny who doesn't want to be held can be really really dangerous. Bunnies will try and kick their way out of your arms and when they do so it's very common for them to break their back. Just don't do it unless you know for sure your bunny or the bunny you are visiting is tolerant. I would also make sure if you feel you MUST hold a bunny that you do it sitting down.

Bunnies don't like to be picked up for obvious reasons: they live on the ground. How would you feel if a giant just picked you up all the time and would hold you for long periods? Most of us would probably be scared to death! And we are terrified of heights! Bunnies feel the EXACT same way. So be respectful.

It's hard to understand this concept. Up until recently, I always tried to pick my bunnies up. But I realized even if they tolerate it, they are unhappy about it. If my bunnies are unhappy then I'm unhappy. My bunnies love and interact with me 3X as much as they use to because I stopped picking them up. Bunnies are individuals and you have to respect that and let them do their Bunthing.

3. Carrots

Yes, you can give your bunny or the bunny you are visiting carrots. However, carrots are actually quite sugary for them and are really considered a treat. Your bunny is scarfing down that carrot because it's like what ice cream is to 4 year old. Please give your bunny carrots (because they will love them) but understand it has to be occasionally and in small portions. It's important to keep a bunnies diet healthy! They live happier and healthier lives. If you HAVE to give a bunny a BIG snack then give them dark leafy greens such as Spinach. My bunnies love spinach as much as carrots and it is WAY better for them.

4. Bunnies just need a small cage to live in.

WRONG WRONG WRONG. I hate those stupid cages you buy at the pet stores. They are just NOT big enough. And it's true, bunnies CAN live in less space than say: a dog can. But the more space the better. If you have to have your "bunny cage" from the pet store make sure you are letting your bunny out for exercise as much as you can and AT LEAST 30 minutes a day. The more space you give a bunny the happier your bun bun will be. Just be considerate of the fact they may need more space then you are giving them. I also strongly encourage you to consider buying a big puppy pen or XL Dog crate. Small cages just seem like animal cruelty to me.

5. Bunnies are clean animals.

So...yes and no to this statement. Bunnies clean themselves ALL the time so you don't have to (nor should you EVER) give a bunny a bath. But from my experience, in general, my bunnies are not"clean". I have to clean their cage constantly. I mean, bunnies poop so much in one day and their pee can stink. Make sure you are aware of this before purchasing a rabbit. You don't have to clean your own room, but you NEED to clean your bun bun's room or else it will get disgusting fast. And although the bunnies don't keep it that clean, they are way happier in a clean cage. They are also less likely to get sick and sickness is almost always a potentially deadly situation for bunnies.

6. Bunnies are mean.

I hate when people tell me they feel this way. You know why you met that mean bunny at your friends house? Because it lived in a TINY cage it's entire life and rarely interacted with human beings. Bunnies are actually really friendly, loving pets if you treat them in the right ways. Like I said above: bunnies are happiest in a big, clean environment with exercise time, and the proper diet. But they also need companionship. I always suggest getting another bunny for the first one because bunnies are naturally really really social animals. It is possible to fulfill the social aspect by yourself, but you need to be interacting with your bunny A LOT. And lord knows you can't always be there for the bun bun because of work or class or an emergency, etc. I must add that if you get a second bunny you NEED to do some research on how to bond rabbits before you introduce them. Please view my own posts here about bonding rabbits.

7. Bunnies are good pets for children.

I can't stand this one. My own personal belief is that a child under 12 should NEVER have a pet bunny and even then I always suggest bunnies as pets for adults. Children are just too.....well...childish. They are loud and high pitched when they talk so it's terrifying for the bunny. They also ALWAYS want to pick bunnies up which as I stated before should basically be avoided unless it's necessary (like putting them in a carrier to go to the vet, etc). Children are generally uncoordinated and rough. Bunnies are very, very delicate creatures. They need to be handled very carefully and gently. I just hate seeing kids with bunnies. Sure, I let the kids I nanny visit my bunnies because they LOVE them, but I always supervise extremely carefully. Kids and bunnies are just not a good mix.

I hope you enjoyed my entry about bunny misconceptions. What are some misconceptions you think people have about bunnies? As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me. I love hearing from my followers. I also love, love, love hearing feedback about what I should write next! Have a BUNTASTIC day everybunny!

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