Thursday, June 25, 2015

The BunNecessities

Before you read on, know that these are just my opinions. Obviously, food, water, and shelter are the very truest of necessities for you bun buns. So...

What does it take to make a happy bunny? What are the BunNecessities?

1. An Awesome Pad
And I mean it! You're bunny will know the difference between a well kept space and a cheap, nasty, small dirty one. I really suggest buying two things because they work so awesome! First, I have a XL dog kennel. This works well because it is portable. So when the bunnies have to stay at grandma's house while I go on vacation its easy for me to take to her and set up. They also love it because it's cave like. They like that their are sides AND a ceiling. I often drape a blanket over top to give them privacy and a dark den of sorts. I also have a puppy pen which you can purchase on amazon for around $40 dollars. I set this up connected to the dog crate so they have more space to run. Cages by themselves are just NOT ENOUGH unless you are constantly letting your bun bun run free.

2. A Tunnel
Mine is pink and is actually for cats. It's apparently a Martha Stewart collection, but that's not why my bunnies love it. Bunnies naturally want to burrow and tunnel and if you didn't know that previously you should probably do some more research so you can understand your bunnies. My bunnies run in and out of the tunnel constantly. And they climb all over it too! They love the crinkling sound so I would highly suggest buying a crinkle tunnel for your furbaby. If you don't have the money or want to have multiple tunnels, I make tunnels for my bunnies with old can boxes. just open up the sides, set it up, and viola! You have a totally awesome tunnel/chew toy for your bun bun!

3. Different textured flooring
I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this, but I HATE HUTCHES. They usually have barred flooring and its not good for the bunnies. They get sores on their feet and don't enjoy moving around as much. That being said, my bunnies are most happy when I provide different types of flooring. Currently I have part of their dog crates hard floor exposed so they can lay on it to keep cool. I also have  a blanket in their set up, and some flat (not fringe) carpeting. Think of your bunny as a toddler. You know how they make those touch and feel books? Its to stimulate the baby! And in this case, the different floor options will stimulate the bunny! I certainly never suggest all hard floors either because the bunnies can't get good traction to freely hop and run like they are capable of.

4. A Bedroom
This is just a suggestion for the free roaming bunnies out there.  Even if you are free roam (which I think is AMAZING and the best scenario for a bunny, they still need their own space. get a cage anyways and just keep the door open! This allows your bunny to have privacy and feel more safe and secure. They are social animals, this is true, but even so they need some alone time. Having their own space provides the best possible alone time because its completely "their's".

5. Herbs
It's really easy for owners to get in a pattern of giving their bunnies the same type of treats over and over again. An easy way to spice up your bunnies life (haha) is to provide them with different types of herbs. Seriously, these have the MOST flavor for your bunnies and mine lose their minds over herb treats. I'll list the bunny safe herbs below. If you feel buying fresh herbs at the store is too expensive, then plant your own herb garden or keep some herbs growing indoors in some pots. :)

Basil (LOVE)
Sage (LOVE)
Dandelions (LOVE)
Lemon Balm
Mustard Greens

6. A Mirror
My bunnies love love love their mirror. I set it down so its at face level for them. It just provides some extra stimulation during their play time. My bunny Rufus especially loves it because hes so vain and enjoys admiring himself. He is just too handsome for his own good!

7. Hanging toys
If you did your research you know that bunnies love and should have toys. These mostly include jingle balls and toilet paper rolls in most households. However I find my bunnies favorite toys are their dangly ones. They especially love these colorful baby keys that I hug at the from of their dog crate and when they are binkying or doing their Bunny 500 they love to run in and out of their dog crate and hit them so they swing and make noise. you can also buy some pretty cool hanging toys for your bunny at the pet store by looking in the bird section!

8. Cold Items
This is pretty simple. I freeze a water bottle and lay it in the cage for my bunnies. I keep my house cool at 69 degrees because bunnies can over heat if its over 75, but i find my bunnies still get toasty. So putting a frozen water bottle in the cage area just gives them something they can lick or lay by if they wish. My bunnies also love their fan, which I put by one side of the cage. They ALWAYS take a nap in front of it. Seriously, its a huge hit. So if you don't have one already, get a fan for your bunny!

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I love hearing from fellow bunny enthusiasts and bunny mamas and papas.

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