Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bunny Personality

We have all had the same dream. You know, the one where you own a pet and the relationship is perfect. You come home and your fur baby is just itching to see you. You get down on the floor and your pet runs over to be cuddled and loved.

I mean, yes it does exsist and it's a wonderful thing. But, here is the problem, we don't consider that our pets (especially bunnies) have distinct personalities. Trust me, I've been there. I've had the aching feeling in my heart as my bunny Pippa rejects my attention and love. "What am I doing wrong?" I ask myself.

Consider this: how would you feel if your in the mood to relax. You just want to kick up your feet, maybe have a snack, and watch some Netflix. You just really need your alone time right now. But your roommate walks in and is polking you and trying to have a conversation with'd be kind of peeved right? RIGHT! This is how your bunny may feel!

Just like the extrovert and introvert variation in humans, bunnies too can have either personality. Before your dreams are crushed because your bunny won't love you in the way you want, just stop yourself. It's about respect. And you know what? Your bunny is teaching you an important life lesson! We need to accept that all people and animals are different.  Especially animals. We are incapable of having a conversation with them like we can have with your boyfriend or girlfriend. You can't lean over to thumper and tell him you need more attention and hugs or your going to break it off. So......

Make a list in your head of the good parts about your (not so perfect personality) bunny.
EXAMPLE: Pippa runs away from me a lot....but she always greets me at the front of the cage when I say hi. She doesn't come up to me for head scratches often....but she loves to put her paws on me when she eats her kale snack.

I love these things! This is what makes my bunny Pippa, Pippa! So before you judge your rabbit because of their actions. Try to remind yourself that different is good. It makes life exciting and beautiful. And I promise you.....just because bun bun hates you picking him/her up doesn't mean bun bun doesn't love you. 😊

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me! I also encourage you to suggest topics that I can talk about. Love you EVERYBUNNY 😍 Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @Onceupona_Whisker !!

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