Monday, April 20, 2015

How to Talk to Your Bunny!

I lied...we can't ACTUALLY talk to our pet bun buns. However, there is a way to communicate with them. It's not verbal, it's physical; and let me tell you, being able to communicate with your bunny is pretty neat.

Let's Talk Happiness

Hopefully, if you are a responsible bunny owner, you know at least a little bit about bunny behavior cues. If you do,you know what a Binky is. To refresh: Binkying is that funny little dance a bunny does when it kinda kicks its feet to the side and hopes around really fast. It looks a bit like a seizure of some sort. This translates to: HOLY MOLY I'M HAVING A SPLENDID TIME! We would look ridiculous if we (humans) tried to binky so i wouldn't suggest it. You might terrify your rabbit!


There is such a thing as a half binky and it looks like a quick head shank/yank to the side. This translates to: I am happy with my life. It's essentially a compliment the bunny is giving to anyone in the vicinity that the bunny lives with.

HERE IS THE BEST PART: You can do a half binky too! They especially understand it if you have long hair. If your bunny is looking at you do a quick half binky head shake/yank! Your bunny might even return one! Trust me, your bunny will read the compliment loud and clear and be satisfied knowing you are happy too!

Let's Talk Love

If you are familiar with bonded bunny pairs then you'll know they do a lot of sleeping together and probably some grooming of each other. These are both signs of love and comfort.

You can show love and comfort in the same way. If your bunny lays down in the middle of the floor lay down right next to him/her. Yes I snuggle with my bunnies like this every day. They love it as much as I do. Sometimes it makes them so happy they do their little bunny pur!

You can also show love and affection towards your bunny by fake grooming them. I suppose you could go full out licking, but it would probably get a little hairy in your mouth! I fake groom by kissing my bunnies on the top of their heads and behind their ears. A nudge will work just as well! They will read this that you are grooming them and immediately understand how deeply you care for them. I have even had my bunnies return the grooming from time to time and a bunny grooming YOU is the ULTIMATE compliment.


We can't have a full conversation with our bunnies, but we can communicate! Try some of my tips and let me know how it goes! I'd love to hear! Make sure you don't give up if you don't get a reaction the first time. Keep trying, but just know some bunnies are just not very responsive. However, they will read you loud and clear and be VERY HAPPY to know just how much you love them.

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @Onceupona_Whisker !!

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